Landscaping & Nursery Information for Home Gardeners

Weed Burners

Weed burners are of special value for clearing weeds from walks, drives, fence rows and other places where useful plants are not growing. The one illustrated  forces a flame of high temperature directly and flatly against the ground, the surface of which it penetrates to depths which vary with the  length of time held in one place and the relative moisture of the soil. It is said to destroy such pestiferous weeds as dandelion, Johnson grass, hedge bind-weed (perennial morning-glory), quack grass  and thistle to say nothing of more shallow-rooted kinds. 

Where the growth is particularly dense two applications are recommended, the first directed against the leaves and upper stems, the second a week later against the lower stems and roots. 

Insects such as corn borer, flea beetle, curculio, and squash bug that hibernate in stubble and debris may be similarly destroyed. Mummied fruits of peach, plum, cherry etc., leaves of roses and other  plants that drop on the ground may be similarly destroyed as soon as the season closes. Rubbish may be incinerated where it stands, thus avoiding extra handling. 

The burner is also recommended for fighting forest fires by starting back-fires, because such may be quickly started and easily controlled. 

Copyright Information: Gardening Short Cuts

See Also: Garden Pests

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