Landscaping & Nursery Information for Home Gardeners


Bacillus thuringiensis, commonly sold as B.t., is a bacteria from which a toxin is manufactured that has insecticidal properties against vareious insects. Compounds sold as B.t. contain the manufactured toxin and not the bacteria. Several strains of the bacteria produce toxins specific to different insects. The products are specific to individual insects and are not toxic to other pests or animals.

B.t. kurstaki commonly sold as DIPEL, THURICIDE, or BIO-TROL can be used to control the leaf-eating caterpillars of various butterflies and moths. Caterpillars commonly controlled with B.t. kurstaki include tent caterpillars, gypsy moths, peach tree borers, webworms, and codling moth.

B.t. israelensis is used for effective against the larval form of some members of the fly family (Diptera) including black fly, fungus gnat and mosquito. House flies, stable flies and blow flies are not controlled.

B.t. san diego has activity against leaf feeding beetle larvae such as Colorado potato beetles and the adults and larval stage of elm leaf and willow leaf beetles.

Make sure to read and follow all labeled directions.

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