Landscaping & Nursery Information for Home Gardeners


Galls that occur on roots or stems of herbaceous material are caused by a soil-borne bacteria and called Crown Gall. These galls vary from pea size to several inches in diameter, giving the appearance of a cancer-like growth. Plants with numerous or large crown galls may show reduced growth, yellow leaves or other symptoms of general distress. Severely infected plant material is more susceptible to winter injury. These galls disrupt the flow of water and nutrients between the roots and leaves. Plant death can occur.

Avoid wounding plants while transplanting, cultivating and mowing them. Clean pruning, budding, and grafting tools between cuts with fresh liquid household bleach. Carefully dig and dispose of severely infected plants. Do not replant the same type of plant in the same spot for at least 5 years.

Commonly affected plants include Euonymus Wintercreeper, Roses, Privet, Rhododendrons and many nut plants.

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