Landscaping & Nursery Information for Home Gardeners


The following table lists the amount of actual nitrogen needed for adequate growth of the grass species.

Grass Type Fertilizer Rate (pounds/1000 square feet) Fine Leaf Fescue (Creeping, Chewings, Red) 1 - 3 Turf-Type Tall Fescue 2 - 4 Perennial Ryegrass 2 - 4 Kentucky Bluegrass 1 - 4 Buffalograss 1 - 3 Bentgrass 2 - 6 (depending on soil type/appearance Zoysiagrass 2 - 4 When applying nitrogen, apply no more than one (1) pound per application. Apply half the amount in a north-south fashion; apply the other half in an east-west manner. Water thoroughly.

For cool season grasses, apply one pound in early September. For a total of two pounds per year, apply the applications in early May and early September. For three pounds per year, apply early May, early September and late October/November. For four pounds, apply early May, mid June, early September and late October/November. Make sure the mid June fertilizer is a slow release type. Water thoroughly throughout the summer.


Most winterizing fertilizers for lawns contain a slow-release, sulfur - or polymer-covered form of nitrogen. The fertilizer slowly wears away during the winter and provides a quick green up in the spring for the grass. A late fall application can provide the nutrients for grass to thicken when temperatures warm slightly and reduce winter/spring annual weed invasion.

Winterizers are usually applied from mid to late November. Application rates are usually one (1) pound nitrogen per 1000 square feet. Formulations range from five to twenty (5 to 20) percent nitrogen.

Winterizers should be lightly watered in, though limit water amount to no more than 1/8 - 1/4 inch.
  Source Uni Illinois:
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