Landscaping & Nursery Information for Home Gardeners

Grape Vines

Grape cuttings made just after the leaves fall root better and form stronger plants than do those taken  I during winter. To make them, cut this year's medium  sized canes in three-joint lengths, making the lower  cut 1/211 below a joint and the upper one 1/2" above.  Bundle each variety separately and label it with a  grease bury the bundles a foot deep, bun ends  upward, in a dry knoll till spring. Then remove and  plant with the upper joint just above the ground surface. Keep cultivated cleanly until fall when the vines  may be dug and planted or they may be left until the  following spring.

Grapes should not be pruned during the growing season. The only pruning necessary is that done during the dormant season. Pinching 08the tips of  the shoots and cutting off the leaves and every other  practise that reduces the leaf area is both a wasted  effort and a possible risk to the welfare of the vine  and especially the fruit. During the growing season  any loss of foliage from any cause whatever is offset  by the production of more to take its place so as to  maintain the balance of leaf and root area. Don't  yield to the temptation to do it. 

Grape trellis wires must be loosened at the approach of winter to allow for contraction due to the cold. Unless this is done the contraction may pull the  posts out of position and, in such cases, the wires  will be slack during the summer and not only unsightly but be poor supports for the vines. 

Grape vines may be protected at their bases by setting a tile or a tile "collar" over each one when  planted. The former should be sunk several inches in  the soil; the latter laid on the surface. Hoeing close  to the vine will thus be obviated and wounds prevented. Should the trunk grow as large as 4" the tile  should be broken. But few vines are likely to grow  that big.

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