Birds and Garden Fruits
Birds may be kept from eating fruit by providing them with an abundance of food they like better and can reach more easily. They will leave strawberries, raspberries and cherries and probably other fruits to cram their crops with juneberries and Russian mulberries for which humans have little desire.Western New York fruit growers plant these two species of trees selecting several varieties of mulberries (not Russian) that ripen successionally. Don't judge all mulberries by the Russians. Several kinds bear fruits two to five times as large and are delicious to eat whether raw, alone or when mixed with other berries ripe at the same time or when canned or otherwise preserved. The best of the dessert varieties are Downing, Hiclts, Merritt and New American.
When planting the mulberry one caution is necessary: Always place the trees where pigs or poultry may reach the fallen fruit or where the mess it makes when it falls will not be objectionable. Never place a mulberry tree on a lawn!
The dwarf varieties of juneberries (also known as shad-bush, service-berry, mes?ilus and amelanchier) may be planted among other shrubbery that grows about as tall as lilac, but the tree varieties should have ample space as they often grow 40' tall.
Juneberry fruit is always eaten so greedily by birds that unless it is exceptionally abundant it never becomes a nuisance by falling in large quantities on the ground. The chances are that the owners of trees will get little fruit mainly because it is out of reach. If the birds do not first get the fruit of the dwarf varieties it may be gathered, mixed with currants or raspberries and eaten as a dessert or canned.
Strainers built on the plan illustrated are specially useful and convenient
for removing sediment from such liquids as home-made lime-sulphur
wash, bordeaux mixture and liquid manure. When the crude liquid is
poured in at A and allowed to come to rest part of the sediment collects
at the bottom but the lighter particles are still held in suspension.
Some of these might be large enough to clog the nozzle of a
spraying apparatus; but by making the liquid pass upward through
the removable screen at B that drawn off at the faucet-will be free
from such particles. When cleaning is necessary the box need only
be turned on its side with the faucet uppermost and a stream of water
forced into every corner by a hose and nozzle.
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