Landscaping & Nursery Information for Home Gardeners


Cyclamen are traditionally sold (in the Northern hemisphere) during the Christmas season and into the winter as a florist plant. Most will bloom from mid-November until spring, provided conditions are satisfactory.

Most of the blooms are either white, red, pink or a lavender and appear to hang upside down over the heart-shaped mottled green/gray foliage.

Cyclamen prefer cool temperatures and bright indirect light. Ideal daytime temperatures are 60-65 degrees F. with night temperatures around 50 degrees. An east window provides adequate light. High humidity during the winter indoors is also crucial. To maintain humidity, fill a large plate or broad, shallow pan or tray with water. Set the cyclamen on an inverted dish, just out of the water. Pebbles could be placed in the plate, pan or tray with the pot setting on the pebbles.

Plants prefer to be kept moist. Most are planted in a peat moss soil that dries quickly. Plants can wilt quickly. Made sure pots have drainage holes. Repot if drainage holes are not present. Avoid watering the crown or center of the plant.

Bud blasting or aborting as well as yellowing leaves result from hot and dry conditions, lack of water or insufficient light.

After flowers start fading, gradually withhold water. When the foliage is withered, remove the "bulb" (actually a tuber) from the soil, clean off all soil from it and store it in unmoistened peat moss or vermiculite in a plastic bag at 50 degrees F.

Replant in good potting soil in Spring, keeping the upper half of the tuber above the surface. Grow the plant in a cool, bright, protected spot outside, with partial shade during the hottest part of the day, and with the pot sunk in a bed of moist peat moss.

Water adequately and feed about twice a month with a complete liquid fertilizer. Bring indoors before cold weather, and provide full sun and the temperature suggested above.


Growing cyclamen from seed is discouraged, even though this is the only method used by professional growers. Germination is slow and erratic, and 9 to 15 months are needed to produce full sized blooming plants, even under the best greenhouse conditions.

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