A high humidity is essential for most houseplants during winter months. To increase humidity level:1. Place plants in typically humid rooms such as the bathroom, kitchen or laundry rooms.
2. Group plants together. As water transpires through the leaves, a miniature humidity chamber is temporarily created.
3. Use a cool water vaporizer.
4. Use a humidifier. Turn the thermostat down to 65ø F.
5. Set plants on a tray filled with pea gravel. Fill the tray with water, just below the bottom of the pot. As the water evaporates, the plants will be surrounded by a temporary humidity change.
See also: Misting
Lack of humidity usually results in one or more of the following symptoms:1. Browning of leaf margins or edges 2. Yellowing of leaves 3. Small or misshappened new growth 4. Droopiness or wilting of plant 5. Thinning of foliage
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