Staking Garden Plants
Staking, when necessary, should always be done before it is necessary!That is, do it before the plants are so large that they must be tied in bunches or before they have fallen down. Dahlias, for instance, should be tied to 4' stakes before they are that high. Place the stakes in position when the tubers or potted plants are planted, or even before. Instead of one stake for each plant, have three in the form of a triangle with stout cords joining their tops. Then allow the properly reared dahlia to rest its four stems, as it wishes, against the supports. This method is equally good for tall plants standing alone or in rows -hollyhocks, delphiniums, mallows, Kansas gayfeather, et al.
Wigwam bean and tomato supports are much less likely to be blown over than are poles and the bean pods and tomato fruits are easier to gather if only one plant is set at each leg of the wigwam.
Cut '16' shingle lath (18' is even better) in half, bore a hole in one end and sharpen the other of each piece. Fasten the pieces together in sets of four with stout wires passed through the holes. Thrust the pointed ends of the legs in the ground beside four adjacent hills of beans or tomato plants so the upper (fastened) ends are above the center of the square formed by the hills of plants. When the season is over remove and fold the wigwams and store them under cover. When so treated they will last for many years.
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